Happy New Year 2025
Are we on the cusp of a new era?
It’s a widespread idea, more than understandable, and it shows how profoundly technological changes are shaping our lives. They are not just shaking up our self image. All of this can lead to worries, and even fears, because nothing less than our identity and our future as human beings is at stake. Urgent questions arise. But what does it really mean to be human in an AI saturated world?
Can technology ever replace our creativity, our emotions or our ability to build real relationships? This is the crucial point: So the search for meaning, the ability for empathy, for ethical choices are things that we can never touch. AI can help, influence, and change, but it will never be able to take what makes us human at our core.
Maybe it’s also the fear of being ‘taken over’ by AI that is a fear of loss of control. However, it is us humans who design, programme and regulate this technology. It is our responsibility to make sure that it serves us and not the other way around. This offers an enormous opportunity: to use critical thinking, our voices and bold ideas to actively contribute to a technological and human future. No doubt, the future will be different. Different does not mean less human.
Instead, it is up to us what we do with this change. We can not only preserve our humanity, but we can deepen it. It is being put to the test. Perhaps now is the time to pause and ask ourselves: ‘What do we know about what makes us human?’ Perhaps you too are standing right now, on the threshold of a new year, at a point where it is worth pausing and reflecting: What do you actually know about what makes you human, and who are you as a human being? This isn’t a question about just your thoughts, but your actions as well.
In 2025, you have the chance to bring answers to these questions into the world with your empathy, your creativity and the courage to take responsibility. This is your opportunity to consciously create the bridge between technology and humanity. Allow yourself to be led by curiosity and the belief that your humanity will survive in a world that changes. So let’s start the new year together, with open hearts, clear minds and the will to create a future that is not only innovative, but above all human.